Liberty Christian Fellowship

I want So Much More of You

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00:00 | 35:19

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Pastor Dale begins with a prayer expressing desperation for God’s presence and guidance, emphasizing the need for the Holy Spirit’s power. Reflecting on the past year, they express gratitude for what God has done but a longing for even greater experiences of God’s glory. He shares a personal story about feeling God move the church into the “promised land” and how the year has been transformative. He describes a deep desire for God’s presence, echoing Moses’ plea in Exodus 33 for God’s guidance and presence before moving forward.

 Pastor then emphasizes the power and authority of God’s Word, referencing the creation story in Genesis and the significance of God’s spoken Word. Pastor highlights Jesus’ role as the Word made flesh and His continued mission to speak and share God’s message. He stress’s the importance of having a pure heart, quoting passages from Psalms and emphasizing that purity of heart allows individuals to see God’s work more clearly. Pastor Dale asserts that God’s power is not limited but that human hearts often hinder God’s movement, with double-mindedness and selfish desires blocking the full experience of God’s reality.

 The message concludes with a call to surrender and truly seek God, not just in words, but through a lifestyle of transformation. The heart must be fully given to God, not just superficially, in order to experience His full glory and power